This isin't what we wanted, we used to have these big plans, but we forgot that people and their future and plans change all the time just like everything around us and we can't do nothing about it. Just think about it for a second, how is this world going to end? What will the end of the world look like? Is it the pollutioned air that we breath, what is going to kill us? Or some kind of natural disaster, another comet  from space, atom bomb from third world war...? I don't know. We all think that the end of the world is when there are no more humans, but mabe it's just begining of something better, 'couse we are utaliseing everything we can get from mother nature and never giveing anything back. The earth has to do something to protect other critures from only one species, from us. What will it do or are we going to end up being the reason for our own vanishing.

If you ask me I bet second one. But I'm not any kind of prophet so we just gonna have to wait for the future and what it will do us.